Saturday, August 26, 2006

alarh!!!!!!!! i woke up at 12.30... how can this be?? no! no! i cannot accept... yea right, what am i suppose to do about that lah? and yes ji yung, u won.. so? hahaha, does it means that i owe u sweets? oooooo, crap, shouldn't have mention that.. but oh well. i'll wake up earlier tomorrow..cos i need to, cousin sister's 21st birthday tomorrow!! yay! yay! it means i get to makan like nobody's business., i shall now challenge ji yung to a who-wakes-up-earlier-tomorrow contest. if i wake up earlier means he's buying me ice cream..bwahahaha, but if he wakes up earlier, then, then, good for him then, waking up early is a good thing. hahaha.. ok? ok? deal yah.. weeeeeeeeeeee........

right, that was just pure evil..but he won't mind lah hoh? hahaha

today, boring day. but! but! u see there's a but. i. yes me. chan siew ying. yup that's me. bought my dress! hahaha.. so it means that my mission is completed and thank god i don't have to go there naked. lol.
dinner was horrible. the chicken totally sucked. ewwww. but i survived. so there goes my saturday. half of the day is wasted on sleeping. but hey! now i remember! i slept at 4 yesterday lah. well, i sleep at 4 everyday. so if i wake up at 1 it's suppose to be ok rite? rite? hahahaha..excuses..

phylo time " SLEEP....THE PERFECT EXERCISE" and no ji yung, don't fight with me, it IS the best exercise..whahahahaha...

peace out

alexis at 10:38 AM

Friday, August 25, 2006

today....nothing special. i woke up earlier than ji yung though.. bwahahahaha... i can't seem to get anything done. started with The Pearl today.. read till page 17, and i gave up.. haha..why? i word.. boring lah.. eh, that's two words. so, i started to wonder around the house, my sister's friends dropped by and they went out.. without me.. yay! home alone.. it wasn't fun anyway.. so.....yup, there goes another day...aihz...

i swear i'll finish that pearl book today.. so long, farewell, it's time to say goodbyee~~
phylo "TAKE WHAT YOU NEED, DON'T BE GREEDY, YOU MAY END UP BAD" right, what's that about? i dunno... so long.

peace out

alexis at 10:00 AM

Thursday, August 24, 2006

life sucks(just today) sucks(just today too) owh wow!! it rhymes! ah duh??? you are using the same words lah woman..owh..right.. life don't really sucks actually, it can't, it's's just that i'm in a bad mood that's biggie.. woke up slightly earlier this afternoon than yesterday.haha.when i say slightly i do mean slightly like half an hour earlier??, no shopping for today cause my parents needed to go out to attend my cousins sort of so called wedding..i don't really know what do u call it but my parents kept on saying nikah..oh yah, my cousin is getting married to a malay girl..i'm totally okay with that, she's a nice girl.. owh yes, no shopping, i was actually happy about that..was kinda tired after all..(yah, although i woke up at 1.00)

did a little physics and it was time for csi again...hehe..(my mood was still ok)

when online after that and "dem dem dem" mood went bad..why? i don't know..okay, maybe i do know, but i'm not telling u....neh neh neh bu bu...*smile* but what's with the love sucks?? let's see, love don't really sucks but it hurts. don't believe me? go fall in love, then come let me know..maybe many of u, ok, most of u, ok ok, all of u might not agree with me but this is how i feel right now, i might not feel like that is not always sugary happily sweet u see, it may be painful at times..for me, it's just most of the time..that's why i rather stay out of it..( as if
lah siew ying...) and sometimes i think that i'm not any good at all, and sometimes i wonder why, why i'm even here at all..yup, that's totally how i feel right now..worthless..bahh...

i'm seriously down, after what he said, he totally didn't mean it, but still it hurts bad..i tell u, i even offered to help cook...hello?? i don't do that u see, it's usually my mum yelling at me, then i'll go help her out in the kitchen..but i offered her help today..hahaha...

five minutes ago, i started tearing......

peace out

alexis at 4:08 AM

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

a post a day..keeps who away? right, what a great way to start my post..haha.. i always have troubles starting my post. i signed in at 6.00 and i started posting at 6.28. wow..why? i don't know, u tell me.. today, as usual, i woke up, and i said good afternoon..haha..woke up at 1.30. it's not that bad isn't it? at least i think so..please help me out in this. had my yucky drink and i started off with moral..nope, no shopping today, decided to give it a rest today. i was afraid that the sales person might recognise me if i go back too soon to get the dress.. =S

so what the hack, i'll just stay at home. study.

as i was saying, i started off with moral. memorising. kepercayaan kepada tuhan...keyakinan yadee yadee yadee yadee.... got bored, so i did a little maths instead.. ( oh yah, i set my alarm clock to 3. wanted to watch csi..hehe) got bored again so i went back to moral...amanah...bla bla bla... i constantly turn my head to see what time it was, just cant wait for it to turn three..csi is a good show u know...but no luck, it was still i continued with physics. it might sound like i studied alot, but nope, quantiti ada, quality tak ada..bullshit...

and yes!!!! my fringe won't stop poking my eye. go away...u irritating thing..

so my sony ericsson ring tone rang..yes! that's my alarm tone.'s three it's i stopped at tanggungjawab terhadap keluarga. and yeah, i went back to moral cause i totally hate physics..i rather moralise myself.. but who cares about tanggunjawab when there's csi..muahahahaha..aiks, i happily watched my csi and im sure that pn.shanta is very happy about it. she told us to watch it more often isn't it?? now i have a reason to watch tv..

my brother just came in and he thought that the fridge was poking my eye...what???!!!

after tv, went back to physics. oi! stick to one subject lah u..i asked my bro what should i study and he said physics. so i asked what chapter then he say chapter 5. (what's with him and the number five?) so, i started cahaya dan penglihatan that's chapter five right? oh well, dad came home with fatty rice (nasi lemak). had my so called dinner and now im blogging..

oh yes, i started to rain few minutes ago. i think im suppose to turn off my computer now. u know what they say, the power of lightnings nowadays..scary...haha

so to end today's post, here goes my phylo " NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING AS IT WILL MAKE AN ASS OUT OF U AND ME. ASS.U.ME" hey! no offense to anyone, it just sounds nice so i put it there.hahaa..

so go and make the world just a little safer,
i'll read all about it in tomorrow's paper.
-orson's save the world

you'll never change what's been and gone
-oasis's stop crying your heart out

hey, checked both of the songs out. it's really good. both from miss.leong. both rocks. thanks gurl.

peace out

alexis at 3:21 AM

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

another post...let's see. i cut my hair..but. nope, haha, not really short. it'll just look like thinner from the behind, it doesn't really look shorter than it was before. so, yup.. but, but, but, there's always a but, the bloody woman went and gave me a fringe. well, it's okay to have a fringe but she gave me a darn short one. ugh! i was like about to cry when she just went a snip it off. i swear, i really was. now, my dying wish is just to hope that it'll grow back faster before school re-opens. *fingers cross* i kept on pulling it, haha, will it grow faster this way? lol. i think i might get bold faster this way...*sigh*

it says 3.49 pm now.

i went shopping just now. again. what for? the dress lah duh..went to klcc and megamall yesterday but i couldn't find anything. again. getting sick of this man. instead we went for makan. again. it's like hoi! stop makaning lah u. i think i'll just go to the mpt5 in my school uniform, it might be the only thing that fits me by then looking at the rate of makan spree im doing now..aiks..i.should.stop.eating.too.much. haha..oh yea, back to the dress, nope, not yet, kinda depressing though, although shopping was the second thing i wanted to do after my trials.(first was sleep) but it doesn't seem so fun anymore...iiiiiiiiiiiiissssshhhhhhhhh.....when u just cant get what u want..bahh, enough on that topic lah..crappyness..

it says 3.59 pm now.

kinda hungry now. time for the yucky drink. ciaoz

peace out

alexis at 12:42 AM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

i know. i said i'll post again someday soon. and i also know that this is not soon enough but.......sorry lah.. trials mah. what to do? but now that it's over...ngek ngek ngek...i'll try to post everyday k? i mean until the holidays are over lah.. so, i went shopping is kinda tiring, especially when u are looking for something and u have to go try it on many many many many many times. it's like take off, wear back, take off, wear back..and it's not easy u know?? tak cukup stamina also cannot u see?! right. so i went to shop for my oh-so-wow MPT5. yeah. pls dun kill me kwan yi for mentioning this..=S but i cant find anything as well..but i haven't been to so many places yet though, just that i went to the curve. eh, not bad lah actually. u might find something u want there.. go check it out..

oh yah, so i saw this i saw that dress..wah..then i saw another dress...fuiyo..and yet! i failed to get anything..great isn't it?
yeap..i know, u feel like whacking me in the face rite? but it's not my fault. i actually almost put on EVERYTHING in the shop and all dad said was, erm, this one too short lah, that one a lil weird lah. y u dont want balck ah girl? black nice mah. but, but, but, i dont want!!! black is like too normal and boring rite? so we ended up makaning instead. hah! brilliant... but it was nice though. i get to hang out with my family again, go shopping and stuffs like that, after all those books and memorising and ewwwy stuff that we've been through the pass twp was cool... i bought a belt. ok ok, that didn't make sense..

so i'll be on a mission this's call "get ur stupid dress by this holidays or u shall go there in ur birthday suit u woman" mission..the title sounds very motivating isn't it? yup yup...i make sure that i'll get it..wahahahaha.. (say first if i'll really go there with my birthday suit....aihz...)

so...................that's all for today...oh wait.. ehem.. phylo "WHEN U FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING U LIKE. GET IT. DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT HESITATE. LATER WHEN U GO BACK IT'LL BE GONE!!!" trust me, it'll be like frank sinatra, like elvis and his mum..*teehee* so, yup, just go ahead and get it..k??
oh well, till then, adios partner..

peace out

alexis at 11:20 AM